ctb: project one


i would like to open this sew along with this pullover hoodie that has been cut out, waiting patiently for over a month.  i bought the pattern and the fabric (on sale at joann’s) back in december, but just couldn’t manage to fire up the sewing machine until this week.  after so many weeks of working tirelessly on projects, yet feeling like nothing is actually happening, it’s so nice to return to sewing and the instant gratification it brings.

it’s possible i delayed this project so much because of the jersey lining, and the tales of woe and tragedy i routinely hear of sewing with knits.  i have been reading tips on avoiding such dismay for months now, and while i still have been too lazy to figure out my walking foot, i’m so happy to report a ballpoint needle and beginner’s luck were more than enough to make sewing this soft, thin, stretchy jersey stripe a snap.  it helped that often, the jersey was reinforced by the thick sweatshirt material, which is actually not so stretchy at all, and this 2T as a result is a little narrow in the arms for my rather slight almost 2 year old.


overall, this pattern was easy to follow.  the sweatshirt did get really thick in some places, so i had a little trouble attaching the hood and had to go in by hand a few times.  the waistband had a goldie locks complex and needed to be adjusted a few times (first too small, then too large) before i could attach it without any accidental gathers.  the author does note in the pattern it might be tricky, so i think from now on i might wait to cut the waistband until i have finished sewing the body, so that i’m sure of the size.  i actually ended up sewing it a little like quilt binding, leaving the two short ends of the band unsewn until most of the band was attached to the body, because knits are stretchy and simply can’t be trusted with their size and shape until you have them largely committed to their purpose.



i’m a little embarrassed to say that, after stumbling on this tutorial recently, this is the first project that i evidently sewed my buttons on correctly. glad to have that most fundamental measure of sewing competency (“well, i can sew on a button…”) under my belt.  other than that, my first jersey project actually looks pretty good…i’ve sewn enough now that while i continue to make mistakes, at least i can hide them relatively well!


reese actually caught sight of this shortly before it was finished and became really fixated on it, pitching a small fit when he couldn’t wear it (fashion is about the only thing that ruffles his feathers).  when he woke up from his nap today feeling discombobulated as usual, he immediately perked up when he saw his finished hoodie and got to try it on.  he pitched another fit when we took it off for bedtime.  in between, he styled the rest of his outfit and props for this photo shoot…he’s still not as consistent of a ham as his big sister, but we got our first on command “smile!” today.  overall then, i’d have to say this item is a major success.  unfortunately, it seems he’ll definitely outgrow it before it cools off enough to wear it again after the next few weeks are behind us.


many more projects are waiting in the wings, including some that will test this early luck with jersey.  stay tuned!

14 thoughts on “ctb: project one

  1. Woohoo! Great job on the hoodie and it was knits! Reese is looks sooo handsome and that smile… oh gosh! Alrighty… so what’s next on your list of projects? I can’t wait to see!

    • thank you thank you! i think this pattern will be making another appearance later in the week. btw, my daughter and i were looking at your blog and she thought your daughter was her–same hair!

  2. I confess that I only recently figured out that I needed to make a shank for buttons. I “learned” to sew them as a kid — which basically meant that I hacked it, wrongly, and have been assuming that was the way it was done for years. Those things are funny! Like misheard song lyrics. What a lovely, lovely sweater though.

  3. I love the barrette on your boy. One of my excerpted photos for tomorrow’s post is the hem of my son’s pants with his painted toenails. I have seen this pattern around and think your version is great.

    • thank you so much, ericka. both my kids dress themselves, and in an upcoming post, reese will be donning a hot pink tutu! i found myself perched atop a soapbox at the end of that one (remember the outcry when the designer for jcrew was photographed painting her son’s toenails a few years ago? outrageous.). your blog is so lovely and your quilts are amazing! thanks for stopping by.

  4. So cute, Ash! I love the pattern and love the striped lining. I don’t sew buttons on correctly either. And, really, I don’t know why you are so afraid of attaching your walking foot! Looking forward to seeing what else you have in store…xo

    • fear of the unknown! which i know is ridiculous, and i also know that the second i finally do it i will be retrospectively bitter at how much easier my life could have been. a more pertinent question may be, what on earth are you doing up? don’t you turn into a pumpkin at 10 est?

      • my usually narcoleptic husband was up working until past 11pm last night. I couldn’t go to sleep before him lest it hurt my pride and reputation. and we’re in central time now, my dear. so it wasn’t as late as you thought. xo

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